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Sarai MERINO - ESPAGNE    Avis 30/08/2011 16:12 - 5
Acabamos de llegar de Sri Lanka hace unos días y ahora cuando pensamos en el viaje nos quedamos asombrados de lo bien que lo pasamos y lo bien oraganizado que estuvo todo y se lo debemos a nuestro guia, Jagath. Cuando decidimos ir de vacaciones a Sri Lanka, me puse a buscar informacion sobre ese pais que apenas conocia, y lo primero que vi es que aconsejaban contratar un chofer-guia (ahora se por que, conducen como locos). Buscando por internet vi que a Jagath lo recomendaban en varias paginas, y le contacte. Le dijimos lo que queríamos hacer mas o menos y el nos organizo 4 dias perfectos. Nos vino a buscar al aeropuerto, reservo los hoteles y nos llevo a ver plantaciones de te, hacer un safari, un festival en Kandy, vimos templos y un monton de cosas mas, en definitiva, nosotros no hicimos nada!! el se encargo de todo y a un precio muy, muuy bueno!! Un viaje a medida, perfecto y muy economico. Seguramente el año que viene repitamos viaje, y por supuesto con el.
Michele HALLER - SUISSE    Avis 23/03/2010 03:16 - 5
When I came to Sri Lanka for the first time in 2003, I was glad Bhikkhu Sumedha offered me his driver Jagath to show us the cultural triangle. At that time Jagath just graduated in Sociology and was kind of new in this business. Nevertheless he did his job very well and we had an amazing time.
In 2010 I came back to Sri Lanka and indeed, Jagath got even better. He doesn't only bring you to the touristic places, but also to some secret spots if you want to. This time we also went travelling on our own, taking the public transportations only and even then he cared about us and tried to help in each situation, whether it was about the accomodations or about how to behave properly in Sri Lanka and what and whom to be aware of. So he really gave me some handy hints I was very happy to have in order to travel save.
Jagath is the perfect guide and friend in this culturally diverse country - whether you need him to guide your trip step by step or if you want to explore the country freely.